There are several universities in the U.S. with a good track record in serving international students in and outside of the classroom. Princeton University in New Jersey ranked number one on the U.S. News & World Report list. The university has a distinctive commitment to undergrad education, was founded in 1746, and has an undergraduate enrollment of almost 5,400 students.
John Hopkins University, located in Baltimore, MD, ranked in the top ten universities for international students. The university is divided between nine schools, five serving undergrad and grad students. If you are considering education in the U.S., contact GCLExperts for help with the Green Card Lottery process. They can help you through the different steps of the U.S. immigration procedure.
Stanford University ranked seventh on the list of universities who serve international students well. Located in California, the college has a total enrollment of just over 17,000 students. The private, co-ed college was founded in 1885. Ranking eighth, the University of Pennsylvania has an enrollment of 21,907, and tuition and fees are a little over $55,000. The undergraduate enrollment is right over 10,000 students. Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Columbia University all tied for third place.
It can be difficult for international students trying to decide which university to attend in the United States with so many from which to choose. The report by U.S. News reviewed data collected about how well these universities supported their international students in and out of the classroom. There are several excellent schools to consider when deciding where to attend. Contact GCLExperts for help receiving the required visa to live in the United States. They can walk you through the entire U.S. immigration process.

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